T & C, Legal Notice

Sprachtransfer - Karin Maack
State Certified Translator English - German
State Certified Translator English - German
Webmaster and editor:
Karin Maack
Martin-Buber-Weg 1
D - 71686 Remseck am Neckar
e-mail: info@sprachtransfer.eu
phone: 049-(0)7146-92606
VAT REG NO: DE 814906249
As a small business owner I am not subject to VAT taxation persuant to §19 Abs.1 UStG
If you decide to contact me, your information (name, e-mail address or any other contact information) provided by you is not shared with any third party.
I do not use Google Analytics and so there are no cookies.
Terms and Conditions
Rates for translation vary depending on the difficulty of the text. They will be determined on the basis of the source language text if it is a Word-document. In all other cases the price will be according to the German target text if there is no agreement on different conditions. These rates always include proofreading. Please ask me if there are any special layout requirements.
I carry out your commission personally. I will translate the original without any abridgement, any amendment or any other alterations. Any different procedure has to be agreed upon in advance - especially if you wish the text to be edited or localized.
You can guarantee that there are no copyrights or any other rights of a third party violated by the translation.
Please inform me about any special wishes at the beginning. There should be a reliable means of contact in the case of any arising questions.
Within the agreed time, I will send you the translated text, together with an invoice, payable within 30 days via bank transfer, PayPal or Skrill.
In case it should be necessary, I will be given the opportunity to amend any errors. If there is no notice of defects, I will consider the translation to be accepted after 1 month at the latest.
For further queries or to agree different conditions, please feel free to contact me.
According to German tax law (§ 19 Abs. 1 UStG) I do not have to charge VAT.