Sprachtransfer - Karin Maack
State Certified Translator English - German
State Certified Translator English - German
Welcome to my website
I am a freelance English-German translator and a native German speaker living in Germany. So, if you want your text translated, it is me who will be your contact person. I have been working as a freelance translator since 2002.
Translating your document requires as much care as writing it. Meaning is not the only thing that has to be reproduced correctly - it is also important to strike the right note. For me, the "right note" is an essential characteristic of a good translation. That is why I translate texts that are to be published only into my German native language where I know all linguistic nuances and can create a text that doesn't read like a translation.
As a freelance translator I will carry out your commission personally. This means you can discuss your wishes directly with the person who is going to translate your document. This direct contact allows for flexibility and creativity in the work process.