
Sprachtransfer - Karin Maack
State Certified Translator English - German
State Certified Translator English - German
I declare that I am certified for translations from German to English and from English to German by the Regierungspräsidium Karlsruhe and sworn in by the president of the Landgericht Stuttgart.
I do certified translations of the following kind of documents:
certificate of death
certificate of marriage
document of adoption
employment reference
school report
certificate of birth
certificate of divorce
driving licence
letter of authority
proof of insurance
Rates for certified translations
per line € 1.00
(55 characters - incl. blank spaces -
of the target text according to Word)
minimum flat rate € 30
additional costs per document for certification € 8.00
There are many different forms of documents. Layout and type face of the translation should come as close as possible to that of the source text. This way it is far easier to compare the source text with its translation.
For documents like the following examples, there can be more work necessary to format than to translate them. For that reason I include blank spaces necessary for the layout in my fee calculation.
2 Beispiele englischsprachiger Personenstandsurkunden

Information about the certification
of official records and public documents:
Foreign official documents usually have to be translated for German authorities. This translation should be written by a certified and sworn translator. You should ask the German authority that requires the document whether the authenticity of the foreign document has to be legalized by apostille by an authority of the issuing state first.
You may find further information here: