About me

Sprachtransfer - Karin Maack
State Certified Translator English - German
State Certified Translator English - German
About me
Translating is actually a long-time passion of mine. When I was at school I wanted to become a translator – but my English teacher thought that everybody was able to understand English and that I’d better learn Arabic or Chinese. Unfortunately, I was not interested in those languages at that time.
So I first took an apprenticeship in a local bank company and - after completing it - worked there for a short time. Then I followed my other passion and studied music at the conservatory in Stuttgart. After that I taught piano at a music school for young people, was a member in two choruses and directed a singing society. Then I started a family, and in the following years I was mainly occupied with our three daughters. Music became a hobby, so did languages.
After some years, I got more and more interested in English language again – at one point, I wanted to do it properly and started a translator training which I completed with a state certificate. At that time, I was already translating magazine articles. Since then I have been translating – among other things – sewing patterns, catalogues and some non-fiction books, for example about fashion or painting. Since 2005, I have been a member of VdÜ, a German translators’ association.
Apart from music and languages (I also speak and understand French and Italian), my areas of interest are fine art (with practical experience in painting and drawing), martial arts (I hold a green belt in Aikido), fashion design (I sew - meanwhile only a small - part of my own clothes), and film/theatre. Moreover I am interested in spirituality.
I am curious enough to become acquainted with new areas of expertise. Just ask me.